Kitchen Request Form

GUIDELINES FOR USE OF WAYMAN AME CHURCH KITCHEN FACILITIES - Download form, complete and submit to church office

  1. Must be in touch with Kitchen Manager for Kitchen use.
  2. Walk through with the Kitchen Manager or Trustee Kitchen Chairperson before use.
  3. If food items of any kind are brought into the kitchen prior to your event, mark them with the name of the group and date of the event and also when it is to be used before storing in the refrigerator/freezer area.
  4. After your event please discard ALL unused food from the facility.
  5. You are expected to supply your own paper products since the products in this kitchen are used for church-related functions only.
  6. All equipment used for food preparation/serving must be thoroughly washed, dried, and returned to the place where it was stored.
  7. Do not leave anything in the drying racks, in sinks, or on the counters or windowsill.
  8. Use cutting boards provided for cutting/chopping food items. Thoroughly wash cutting boards and return back to proper storage place.
  9. Serving trays are available for use. Wash and dry after using, even if they appear to be clean.

10. If using plastic flatware, dispose of it at the end of your event DO NOT WASH IT AND RETURN TO STORAGE BOXES. Discard it whether it has been used or not.

11. If you need to use the appliances, be sure you have someone available who is familiar with proper operating procedures. Be certain that all appliances are properly cleaned after use. And make sure oven is turned off.

12.Return all Kitchen equipment to its proper storage area before leaving the facility.

13.Trash must be bagged in containers, and sweep floor as needed.

14.Items from the kitchen that are damaged or missing must be replaced.

15.Only persons working on or preparing for a special event should be allowed in the Kitchen at that time.

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